“It isn’t a natural progression to shift from being involved in everything, to being the CEO leading the company”
If your goal is to grow your business from 7-figures into an 8-figure company, one of the core foundations you will need in order to scale up is capability with your team. Equally important will be your own shift in focus and capability as the CEO.
This model explains how I work with business owners to build this capability.
Culture to Attract & Retain is an essential component of building people capability, particularly in the current environment.
Research has shown that there is definitely a ‘reality gap’ between what employees actually think about the company they work for and what they want, and what the CEO and management team think the employee reality is.
One of the big drivers behind improving employee engagement is to reduce this gap in perceptions. Once you’ve taken the pulse of your team, so to speak, you can create a strategy that includes culture, capability, workplace arrangements, and retention.
The Right People in the Right Roles is of course essential. The People & Roles component is all about making sure this applies, but also with a view to expansion and development of the business. We look at resource planning, efficiencies, incentive plans, individual development requirements and making sure team KPIs are all in alignment with growth goals for the business.
Capable and engaged people are the foundations not just for growth, but they’re essential to the execution of strategy. If you want to keep growing your company, you need the right people in place and a strategy for engaging them.
This module works in alignment with the Culture module.
The CEO Lens™ module is based on a series of building blocks to help shift your focus from where you are now, to building your company into a valuable asset. Your perspective, knowledge and skills will shift considerably toward 8-figure thinking and capability.
Most business owners hold on to the reins too tightly, because they fear things won’t get done or won’t be done properly, or that things won’t get done their way. But it’s not until you let go and step into the leadership role fully, and focus on strategic growth, that your business will take off.
What will shift for the better?
When you have a structured approach to building People Capability, it helps you plan for the future with more certainty.
You will be able to:
- Attract new employees more effectively
- Understand the key factors that will improve employee engagement
- Retain good talent
- Plan more easily for future resource requirements
- Define and strengthen your company culture
- Shift your own skills and focus to step up as leader of a capable team
- Be more confident in your own role as the company scales up
- Have a stronger and more capable team that will help you drive growth
How do we work together?
I use a framework outlined above, but it is not prescriptive and every single client receives individual, custom advice for their specific business.
However, before we start working together you will have a complimentary consultation to discuss your people and how well-positioned you are to scale the business up with the existing people foundations.
If you’re comfortable that I can help you achieve your outcomes, and we both think we’d enjoy working together (very important!), then we can start.
I understand it is a big step to bring in an outsider to assist with your business, which is why I fully guarantee the process. If I do not deliver against your brief and provide the desired outcomes you specify at the commencement of the process, I will personally refund 100% of any fees paid.
Next Step
If you would like to have a chat about what you need and how I can help you, please fill in the form and we can set up a time.
I’d love to talk to you!