“A roadmap will help navigate your path in a rapidly changing world”
The larger your business becomes, the more essential it is to have a clear strategy that will enable you to navigate your path in a rapidly changing world.
If you’re reading this, congratulations! It’s likely that you’re in what I refer to as ‘The 7% Club’. Only 7% of all businesses in Australia (with similar percentages in the UK and US also) have grown beyond 2M in turnover. If you’ve made it into this group, I’m sure you want to keep growing!
But it’s not enough to rely on previous assumptions, or to keep going the way you have in the past. Is it time to take a fresh look at strategy to shift your thinking, focus and results? Your strongest competitors will be.
Business models have changed, how people work has changed and markets have shifted.
Have you ever woken in the middle of the night, and stayed awake worrying about how you were going to grow the company further?
Maybe the business trajectory has stalled and you just need to focus on how to recharge your strategy, lift your sales revenue and invigorate growth.
If you have been lacking certainty over the right strategic direction for your business, or what the best strategy will be to enable you to reach your growth targets, you need to develop a strategy roadmap.
What data and information do you use to help you make objective strategic decisions? There is a wealth of insightful information in obvious places most business owners ignore.
If you wonder why you always have to keep driving the business forward, you definitely need a strategy roadmap to engage your team to do their share of the driving.
My purpose is to help you create better strategies by understanding your business, your environment and opportunities more deeply, so you will naturally create a better business as a result, which provides a better life for you and the people you love.
Don’t waste time by guessing.
As the company grows, you need a more professional approach to strategy that engages the whole team, keeps everyone on track, and can be developed in an efficient and repeatable way. Strategy is not a mission statement, or a financial plan, or a marketing plan, or a vision for the future. Strategy is the answer to ‘how’. How will we get to where we want to be, based on what we know of our external and internal environment?
The problem with most business strategies, is that the groundwork isn’t done. There is no research or analysis conducted from an internal or an external perspective. Key questions are not answered. That is what makes business owners nervous about growth and about making strategic decisions – the bulk of their decisions are not strategic and are based on guesswork or gut feeling.
If you want to succeed, you need to do the work, and do it properly, otherwise you could end up anywhere. If you want your team in alignment with business goals, everyone needs a plan so they know what they are expected to do.
As the leader, you need to have some degree of certainty and confidence in the strategic direction you drive your business.
I can help you create a strategy roadmap for your company
You’re already in ‘The 7% Club.’ Let’s map out your next stage of growth.
Together we will create your Strategy Roadmap working through a 10-step process that forms the foundation. You will uncover what needs to shift in your current view of your company, and where are the best opportunities for growth. As part of this exercise we will review:
Goals and Objectives
This is the starting point. Your goals need to be galvanizing and something that your team can get behind. They need to tie in with your Purpose. Don’t get caught up on the wrong kind of goals.
It’s critical to look at how your business has been performing in different areas over a period of time, to understand what may need to change to get different results. Looking back and drilling down will help you get smart about your future.
It is a big trap to rely on what you think you know, rather than what is the actual situation. We will explore this to uncover new insights about your business.
Ideal Customers & Why
This sounds easy but it isn’t – that’s why so many business owners find it hard to articulate. This is the core of your business purpose, business model and communication focus. Understanding ‘who’ and ‘why’ is the essence of what your company does.
Business Organisation
How your business organises itself to deliver and make money in the process, is critical to your future success. Getting this right is important.
SWOT Insights
This is a powerful tool, when done correctly, to deliver insights about opportunities for growth that are currently in your company’s orbit
Risk Assessment
Being able to evaluate risks, and determine your appetite for risk-taking in business, is an important factor in your business growth strategy.
Business Shifts
As a result of the groundwork we do on your business growth strategy, it will become clear what shifts you may need to make in your business to grow it further and make it a better, stronger company.
Strategic Decisions
Everything comes together at decision-time. I will provide a framework that will enable you to make informed strategic decisions with more confidence and clarity than you ever could have before. It is an invaluable management tool.
Strategy Roadmap
The final step in the process. We will create your Strategy Roadmap, complete with an action plan that is broken down into 90 days, 30 days and weekly priorities for you and your team to follow.
What will shift for the better?
This will enable you to take greater control of your business, confident that you have the right people, structure and core processes in place to focus on new opportunities.
Your skills, and your business, will be more advanced and infinitely better as a result of this process.
You will:
- get faster results than if you tried to work through this alone
- have clarity about your future direction
- have confidence in the strategic decisions you’ve made
- grow sales and profit
- engage your team in the company’s strategy and priorities
- make your team accountable for their role in the company’s strategic growth
- have a full understanding of the dynamics of your market and business
- have confidence in the robustness of the strategy process
- have a framework to make strategic business growth decisions in the future
- have a repeatable process for future planning and business growth decision-making
- have a strategy roadmap and an action plan to follow for the next 12-18 months
- have 90-day focus accountabilities for the team
How do we work together?
I work directly with the CEO or owner of the company to explore your business challenges, aspirations and goals in detail. Your senior team will be involved in this process, for their contribution, engagement and accountability.
Before we start working together you will have a complimentary consultation to discuss your current situation, what you want to achieve, and if we would be a good fit to work together.
If you’re comfortable that I can help you achieve your outcomes, and we both think we’d enjoy working together (very important!), then we can start:
- I will work with you and your team to collect information, data and feedback on each of the key steps in the Process
- I will spend time reviewing this and have discussions with you as we progress
- Depending on the size of your team and structure of your business, it will be worthwhile to have key members of the team involved in this process
- We may need a workshop of two along the way, which we will organise so there is minimal disruption on the day-to-day focus for everyone
- There will be a strategy day where we work through the final strategy roadmap, creating action plans for the next 12-18 months, and 90-day focus priorities
- There will be clarity, accountability and engagement across your business
After that, I can leave you and your team to get on with it, or I can work with you for a period of time on an advisory basis to make sure you stay on track.
Download Free Strategy Roadmap Guide
I understand it is a big step to bring in an outsider to assist with your business, which is why I fully guarantee the process. If I do not deliver against your brief and provide the desired outcomes you specify at the commencement of the process, I will personally refund 100% of any fees paid.
Next Step
If you would like to have a chat about what you need and how I can help you, please fill in the form and we can set up a time.
I’d love to talk to you!